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Building Better Habits of Thinking
Articles about how champions in every field use their beliefs to make themselves better at what they do.
Building Better Habits of Feeling
Articles about how champions in every field use their emotions to make themselves better at what they do.
Building Better Habits of Learning
Articles focused on helping you learn how to master any game of skill.
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Mastering the SAT and ACT
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Overcoming Test Anxiety
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Parents, These Are For You
Steve and Tom offer advice on how to support your teenagers as they strive to improve themselves.
Student Case Studies
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A collection of thank-you notes from our students and parents that we've held onto over the years.
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Feeling Habit 1: Choose How You Want to Feel!
Turns out, you CAN learn confidence.
Feeling Habit 2: Separate Your Feelings From Your Self!
You are not your feelings. They don't define you, and you don't belong to them either.
Feeling Habit 3: Let It Go!
Nothing is forcing us to hold onto limiting or negative emotions.
Feeling Habit 4: Let Go of Worry
Holding onto worry does NOT make you study more effectively. Learn to let it go and just play your game!
Feeling Habit 5: Let Go of Outcomes
Learn how to care and not care at the same time. No, seriously.
Feeling Habit 6: Let Go of Self-Judgment
Don't focus on HOW you're doing. Just do what you're doing.
Feeling Habit 7: Let Go of Anger
If you're playing angry, or practising angry, you're likely not playing your best game. Learn to let your anger go!
Feeling Habit 8: Let Go of Regret
You don't have to hold onto regrets from past poor performances. Just focus on learning and improving for next time!
Feeling Habit 9: Learn to Love Neutral
Neutral is beautiful. Neutral means you can choose what to focus on!
Feeling Habit 10: Control What You Can Control (And Let Everything Else Go!)
Even when everything appears to be going wrong...focus on what YOU can do to make any part of it slightly better.

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